Personal genetics is moving faster than ever, we began with a few variants in an affordable genetic test, now we have hundreds of thousands, soon it will be sequencing of all our genes (exome sequencing) and finally, the whole genome by 2011, 2012, 2013? Who’s prepared to predict? What’s the use of it though – the technology is moving much more rapidly than the knowledge of the effects of genetic variation and we still only really have a few “clinically useful” applications? A problem that has not yet been fixed is the oversight of commercial services, the fact that there are not yet any new specific regulations to deal with personal genetics is probably just as well because by the time any law is passed it would be likely to be out of date. The lack of really effective clinical utility and the existence of commercial interests increases the confusion though. It’s hard to sell something that is interesting, “fun”(?), quite expensive, but not actually that useful to the majority right...